Anarchy & The Occult – Part II – Religion vs. Initiation – Mark Passio

In this special presentation originally delivered at Anarchapulco 2019, Mark Passio discusses how erroneous belief systems such as Moral Relativism continue to hold back the forward progress of the modern-day Anarchist movement. Mark will explain why a deep understanding of Natural Law must be the foundation of any true anarchist’s moral and spiritual life. In this presentation, Mark exposes and dispels the dialectics of Atheism and Religion in the Anarchist community through an introduction to the Initiation processes of the ancient Mystery Traditions. Divisive in-fighting within the anarchist community is also addressed in an effort to create unity and inspiration for pragmatic action leading to positive real-world change.

Originally Presented: February 15, 2019, Acapulco, Mexico
Associate Producer: Leiha Boone
Video Editor: Joel Torres

Video Transcript

thank you so much everyone it’s really

great to be back at Anarchapulco this year

so thrilled to see all of you here today

I have a whole lot of material to cover

here today in my presentation so I’m

gonna jump right in my presentation here

today is entitled anarchy and the occult

part 2 religion versus initiation and it

kind of builds on top of my presentation

from last year which was of course

anarchy and the occult so let’s dive

into it anybody who gets offended by

something that I’m about to say here

today feel that emotion

let it flow through you so be it I am

here to tell harsh uncomfortable truth

my presentation style is often described

as very intense sometimes combative you

cannot gauge the truthfulness of

information with your emotions you have

to run it through the logical and

analytical aspects of the mind but you

can also use your intuition to gauge if

it is coming from a place of heart based

intelligence as well so if you use both

of those I think everything will be fine

I don’t do this to make money I don’t do

this to make friends that’s why I say to

people to get as offend that as you like

I only do this because I have a moral

obligation in understanding what I

understand to try to communicate these

truths to others so that they could take

action upon it to change our world

hopefully in taking in the information

that I present here today it will act as

a tapestry so you could take in the

bigger picture of the entire puzzle okay

as David Icke said in his presentation

most people see the pieces but they

don’t see the picture okay this is about

big-picture thinking this is about

getting to causal factors about why we

are in the situation we are in as a

species so let’s jump in right in with

the topic of religion always a

hot-button topic always controversial

but it doesn’t always mean exactly what

people think it means

means so much more to me religion is the

one and only problem in our world the

one and only problem that humanity is

facing that is keeping it from going to

the actual full potential of where it

can be and when we talk about religions

I don’t just mean the cultural religions

okay you have to wipe the definition of

religion that you know our culture has

given us out of your mind and understand

religion encompasses so much more you

know government politics that’s religion

you know the donkey cult and the

elephant cult no two better examples of

religion okay science can be turned into

a religion and if it is trusted too much

the New Age movement or some pseudo

spirituality movements can also be

characterized as religions and then

there’s the big religion the one that

people believe in even more than

government that binds them all together

and that is the monetary system a lot of

people don’t think of that as a religion

but I would claim even the belief in

money constitutes a religious belief if

you’re coming at the information I’m

about to present today from any of these

perspectives you’re going to find it

very difficult ok so I’m directly

attacking the issue and going right to

the psychological part of the mind and

confronting it ok not pushing that down

not having delicate sensibilities

face-to-face confrontation with the main

issue and that is religion now what is

religion the word religion comes from

the Latin verb relig are a meaning to

bind to hold back by tying or to thwart

from forward progress religion is a

system of sociological control based in

unchallenged erroneous false and

dogmatic beliefs which are specifically

designed to hold back the progress of

human consciousness religion is the head

cage religion is the cage for the mind

and I’m here today to tell people that

most anarchists are still subscribing to

a religious thought process and that is

why they are not making the progress

that they need to be making

religion could be summed up in two words

if we’re being honest with ourselves

mind-control people don’t want to say it

that way but that’s exactly the dynamic

that we are talking about and it is very real

one of the biggest forms of mind-control

is government we are here today because

we believe that it doesn’t have moral

legitimacy that’s what an anarchist

believes that there is no such thing as

moral legitimacy to the violence of the

state it is the most dangerous religion

on earth I call it the most dangerous

cult on earth government is a worldwide

religious cult based upon the false

religious doctrine of authority an

illusion of a diseased psyche based

entirely in violence and built upon the

erroneous and dogmatic beliefs that some

people are masters who have the moral

right quote-unquote to issue commands

while others are slaves who have a moral

obligation quote unquote to obey the

so-called masters an absolute religious

belief yet most people in the world

subscribe to it and believe it and stay

attached to it with religious fervour

that’s why it’s so difficult to overcome

because it’s been ingrained for so many

thousands of years and it has turned

into a hardened dogmatic religion in the

psyches of most people here’s how it

worked in the old world

there was one being that had authority

vested in him or her that was royalty

we called this kingship or royalty okay

and they sat at the top of the

hierarchical structure of the world

dictating commands to their slaves okay

to those that they considered their

subjects now today you know we think

we’ve progressed so far but all we’ve

done is we’ve divested that authority

into a few people an oligarchical group

of people calling themselves government

this is the so-called new world order

where the old world order was kingship

the new world order of rulership is

government and I don’t care what you

call it you can do some eyes it however

you want to use from eyes it you can

call it kingship you can call it royalty

you can call it government but I don’t

mince words

I tell people direct right to their face

exactly how it is and I call things what

they really are it’s slavery and if you

believe in it and you believe it’s morally legitimate

you believe slavery slavery is morally

legitimate so I don’t like to euthanize

words or use soft language you know I’m a city boy

I’m from the hard streets and I use

plain language right in people’s face

government is slavery and that’s what we

all stand against what do we want to see

manifested in the world we are here

because we want to see anarchy manifest

in the world we don’t want to see

slavery continue we want a world where

there are no masters and no slaves the

word anarchy is derived from the greek

prefix and meaning without the absence

of and the greek noun Archon meaning

ruler or master anarchy does not mean without rules

it literally means without rulers no

rulers no masters that is the state of

true pure anarchy so what does that

really mean it means true freedom you

tell people you use the word Anarchy

with most people and they think it means

chaos yeah we’ve all been through that

trying to get them to understand the

real definition of anarchy that’s the

real definition of anarchy true freedom

so where are we in this process of

transformation okay we have to gauge

where we’re really at honestly which is

a big part of what this presentation is

all about I consider this person here on

this long winding road leading to the

mountaintop here’s the anarchist

community and here is where we say we

want to go it’s a long arduous journey

what we have to ask ourselves honestly

and look at it and assess it with total

honesty and looking at it without lying

to ourselves where are we really at what

progress have we really made collectively

as a so-called movement societally to

get to where we say we want to go and

ladies and gentlemen that process is not

magical and it does not happen

automatically there are specific

actually very stringent requirements to

getting to where we say we want to go

this is the same with any process

whether it becomes becoming an expert in

any particular field learning any

particular field of knowledge there are

requirements for taking that in and then

putting it into the world

and then actually making it manifest and

it’s no different with anarchy and I’m

here unfortunately today to tell you

that we are nowhere close to actually

attaining that goal and if we are

telling ourselves that were close to

that I feel that we’re lying to

ourselves and the reason is we have not

yet come to the underlying causal

factors we have not yet looked past the

symptoms and gone to the true underlying

causes of the human condition of slavery

so most anarchists in my estimation are

still very mentally attached to false

axiomatic premises which could

constitute religious beliefs axioms are

fundamental beliefs that have become

widely as accepted as true because they

are perceived to be self-evident or

particularly useful to those who have

accepted them most quote-unquote

anarchists say that we want true freedom

that they want true freedom but they yet

cling to erroneous axiomatic beliefs

which prevent them from understanding

the true underlying causal factors that

have led to the human condition of

slavery anarchists in most cases are no

less religious than other individuals in

the world unfortunately not all of them

but I would estimate most of them most

anarchists erroneously believe that true

freedom is possible to achieve without

becoming aware of the governing dynamics

which actually determine the amount of

freedom which any given human society is

able to experience that is based upon

the quality of the aggregate behavior of

the individuals which comprise that

society this is what determines whether

a society is free or not and that

behavior has to be in alignment with

morality and if it is not freedom is

impossible to achieve or to attain the

erroneous belief systems of most

anarchists are fundamentally holding

back the development of their

consciousness and their ability to align

their minds and behaviors to the moral

philosophical principles which are capable of

changing our manifested conditions such

erroneous belief systems are nothing

more than inversions of reality and may

be ultimately described as forms of mind

control or religion why is this so it is

because most anarchists in the so called

anarchist community have absolutely zero

understanding of what is known as the

occult they have no idea about it they

don’t know what it is they don’t know

what knowledge it comprises and they

haven’t even begun on the journey to

looking into it so people think this is

what the occult is now I’m not here

today to tell you that there aren’t

aspects or sects of the occult that

delve into practices such as this but

this is the Hollywood variant of the

occult and we have to kind of set that

notion aside and understand the occult

comprises deep knowledge and this

wouldn’t be an accurate image of the

occult or occultism in my view this

would be it is taking in Universal

cosmic knowledge about how the laws of

nature actually work that’s a more

accurate definition by a picture of what

occultism really is so let’s look at a

definition for the occult the word

occult is derived from the Latin

ocultist meaning hidden occultism is the

study of the hidden laws of nature

specifically those laws which are at

work in the invisible mental and

spiritual domain far more than those

that are at work in the visible or physical world

therefore occultism involves the

acceptance of a much wider worldview

than that which is ordinarily taken by

the everyday person a cultists then may

be defined as those who study all the

laws of nature both those that are

readily seen and those which are much

more difficult to see with the physical

eyes or with scientific measuring

instruments alone that’s the difference

between the average person who considers

themselves you know someone who has any

kind of faith in science versus the

occultist who understands a much wider picture than

just of the physical world is necessary

you heard David I talked about the

physical reality is such a tiny sliver

of the entire spectrum of existence and

that’s absolutely the case the occult is

hidden science that the ruling class

that the Masters do not want the average

individual to understand because the

understanding of the occult knowledge

would level the playing field and it

would make slavery impossible until the

occult is brought out into the light of

day and understood by the average person

slavery will continue indefinitely Bank

on it know it like you know your own

name or you know the Sun is coming up on

the eastern horizon tomorrow slavery

will continue until the occult is

brought out of the realm of hidden

knowledge and made common sense

knowledge what is the most deeply occult

acknowledge on the face of the earth

that our masters don’t want us to

understand it is the knowledge of how

the natural laws of behavioral

consequence work in our lives and that

we are bound by those behavioral laws

natural law is a set of universal

inherent objectives non man-made eternal

and immutable conditions which govern

the consequences of behaviors of beings

with a capacity for understanding the

difference between harmful and non

harmful behavior that’s a mouthful

Universal it’s everywhere inherent it

exists within creation it is not

man-made as it is objective and not

subjective it is eternal it exists

forever you can never escape it it is

immutable there is nothing anyone can

ever do to change it it is like any

other natural physical law but these are

the behavioral laws that govern the

freedom of entire societies okay and it

governs the the beings with the capacity

to understand morality so we’re talking

about higher than what we would call the

animal kingdom in the human Kingdom and

beyond that is what natural law applies

to those with an advanced central

nervous system and brain that are

capable of reason are capable of heart based intelligence

and are capable of understanding right

from wrong when human beings in the

aggregate live in harmony with natural

law and are therefore moral because they

understand rights they understand that a

right is an action that does not

initiate harm against another sentient

being okay and cause harm against that

being that is what a right is and most

people cannot give you that definition

and that’s why we’re losing our rights

when human beings in the aggregate in

the collective live in harmony with

natural law and are therefore moral they

become and remain free when human beings

in the aggregate in the collective live

in opposition to natural law and are

therefore amoral because they do or

condone immoral behaviors they become

and remain enslaved I refer to this

dynamic of nature as the law of freedom

it could be stated like this as

aggregate morality increases aggregate

freedom increases as aggregate morality

declines aggregate freedom declines you

only need to look at the result that we

are getting right now do we have more

aggregate freedom or do we have more

aggregate enslavement well then you will

know is humanity in the aggregate moral

or immoral that is the causal connection

to get away from religion we must

initiate ourself into higher levels of

knowledge and this is what the occult

was intended to do it was intended to

initiate potential learners in the

higher levels of knowledge about how

natural law works I gave a seven hour

I’m sorry a nine hour workshop two days

ago on all of these dynamics of a cult

initiation it could be called beginning

setting foot on the spirit the true

spiritual path and there are it’s a

five-fold process a five-step process stop lying

especially to yourself that’s number one

stop dreaming stop imagining the world

to be some other way than it actually is

accept it from where it is and then work

to change it from there don’t engage in

cognitive dissonance we have to

disengage cognitive dissonance which is

believing two contradictory things

simultaneously learn how to think the

actual process of

truth discovery methodologies that were

practiced as part of classical liberal

arts education in the ancient world and

that were given to the mystery tradition

initiates in occult practices live in

the true present moment in the here and

now and bring that knowledge into the

here and now on the earth to create the

change that we want to see and then

activate the physical body because we

will most certainly need to let’s look

at each one of these dynamics in turn stop lying

especially to yourself we have to look

in the mirror and be honest about where

we are at on the spiritual path and in

our understanding of the dynamics of

natural law and then we have to be

honest with others but before we can

tell the truth to others we must first

become fully honest with ourselves we

must be realistic about where Humanity

is as a species is the mindset of

Anarchy or the principles of moral

behavior upon which anarchy is based

truly propagating widely and manifesting

in our world we have to be honest with

ourselves about that have anarchists as

a movement a so-called movement

accomplish the goals of the abolition of

government and the restoration of our

sovereign natural rights to any

individuals anywhere on earth and if

such factors are the genuine

measurements of a successful outcome for

such a movement that we claim to be part

of and they should be it is not about

just setting an intention it is about

achieving the goal otherwise why bother

to do anything ok those should be our

measurements for a successful outcome

then I have to be honest with myself and

I must be honest with you

that our movement thus far must be

assessed as a failure thus far there is

still time to turn it around however

otherwise I wouldn’t be saying a word it

is my contention that the anarchist

movement is actually moving backwards

mainly because most anarchists accept as

a false axiomatic premise that quote

rights come from human beings more than

not accept that as a premise the

existence of inherent rights

with in nature is the basis of natural

law and it is the necessary morality

which will lead to the manifestation of

true freedom that is the basis of

natural law and the moral behavior that

we must put into practice that rights

exist inherently in nature because the

actions when we take an action it exists

in the 3d domain therefore the

characteristics of that action exist in

the 3d domain they are not subjective

they are objective it follows logically

but most anarchists do not think about it that way

because they still have a religious

mindset about this most anarchists

choose to blame external political or

economic factors for the lack of

progress and affecting real change in

our society but continued ignorant and

denial of the existence of inherent

rights under natural law is the

underlying reason that slavery continues

to be the human condition

and folks you could accept that or not

accept it but it will never change the

truth of that matter I am NOT claiming

that that is my opinion I am Telling You

it works that way in the realm of nature

scientifically another erroneous axiom

that most anarchists believe is quote

unquote there is no higher power in the

universe than humanity they will accept

however that every single piece of

matter down to the subatomic particle is

governed by universal physical laws but

they refused to acknowledge that human

behavior is governed by higher Universal

behavioral laws the overwhelming

prevalence of such an atheistic mindset

in the anarchist movement is one of the

main factors that is killing it in

almost every ancient mystery or occult

tradition potential initiates were

outrightly refused to be taught if they

displayed the hubris of believing man to

be the ultimate power within creation

they won’t even teach the person who

came to them looking for knowledge I’m a

little more egalitarian and I think we

don’t have that you know time to be that

selective we have to put this

information out there for anyone with

eyes and ears to see and hear

we must stop lying to ourselves about what rights

are and where they come from the next

dynamic of occult initiation as applied

to the anarchist community we must stop

dreaming and this doesn’t mean stop

engaging in imagination that’s very

important we have to stop telling

ourselves the world is some other way

than it actually is we want to imagine

it to be some different way to stop

dreaming in the occult initiation

process is a prescription against

magical thinking or cognitive dissonance

as they call it in Psychological circles

to stop dreaming means to actually

acknowledge that the world is as it actually is

instead of falsely imagining it to

already be how you prefer to imagine it

to be because your imagined version of

the world is far more comfortable for

you to accept moral relativism the idea

that rights come from man we can change

them at any time is one of these

dreaming processes scientism believing

that science is the final arbiter of

truth okay and thinking that you are

going to learn about real spirituality

without a deep understanding of natural

law and somehow accidentally stumble into truth freedom

magically these are all examples of such

magical thinking of dreaming as they

called it in the occult we have to get

out of dreaming and we have to live in

the real world and understand the laws

of nature as they are working in the

very real world so moral relativism is

the absolute destroyer of anarchy and

the dynamic that is holding people

completely enslaved here on earth I’ve

done social experiments over and over

again in multiple cities asking people

where they date whether they believe

rights are objective or subjective and

invariably no matter where I do it with

what any population with any population

two out of three people are moral

relativists that 66.6% not an accidental number by the way

okay of people who are moral relativists

in our world and that’s what’s killing

anarchy moral relativism is the ideology

or religion that objective morality does

not exist inherently to nature and that

right and wrong are subjective

constructs which human beings may invent

and arbitrate according to time location

circumstance whim or preference

in truth and reality morality is

absolutely objective rights can never

become wrongs and wrongs can never

become rights at any place or time

regardless of how many people believe or

wish for it to be so absolutely any

society of human beings that believes

that there is no natural objective

difference between right behavior and

wrong behavior and believe that human

beings may arbitrarily create or decide

what right and wrong are for themselves

is a society that can never truly bring

their own behavior into alignment with

moral natural law cannot be done if that

is the mindset because everything else

flows from mind and belief and then

becomes manifested reality since the

governing dynamics of human freedom are

predicated upon the aggregate morality

of a society it is a total and permanent

impossibility for true freedom where anarchy

to ever exist or manifest in a society

that embraces moral relativism can not

happen and this is why the anarchist is

one of the biggest reason the anarchist

movement is not making any headway I

just got this Facebook I just responded

to this Facebook post on the train on

the way here yeah I didn’t fly I’m

probably the only person who didn’t they

came here from a very long distance I

took trains and buses all the way from

Philadelphia I walked across the border

actually this person says oh if rights

were magical then no one could violate

you or my right to exist on molestin and

that is why I tell you that rights are

man-made contract well whoever said

rights are magical they’re part of

nature there’s nothing magical in that

any more than matters of magical ok I

answered him in the second part of his

bogus contention and said quote rights

are man-made contract that’s his quote

this is the unspoken definition of moral

relativism this is the exact thought

process that created human slavery in

the first place and there’s the same

thought process that perpetuates human slavery


see I think that anarchists and the New

Age community have so much in common so

much in common I would love the bridge

these communities and actually bring

them into real occult knowledge and truth okay

but they’re still dreaming they’re still

believing in their religious you know

axioms they’re both still dreaming the

anarchist community and the New Age

movement they have so much in common in

many ways but they’re very different in

other ways okay so the so-called

anarchist community I put the anarchy

symbol in quotes and double quotes most

anarchists recognize that rulership over

others is inherently morally

illegitimate but that doesn’t in and of

itself equate to being spiritually

awakened you can know rulership is not

morally legitimate but that doesn’t

necessarily mean that you’re truly

spiritually awakened being and that

you’ve gone toward enlightenment the

recipe for victory in any kind of battle

spiritual or otherwise is to know

yourself and know your enemy so most

anarchists understand that anarchy means

no rulers in that sense the anarchist

community knows the enemy because they

understand the the political you know

rulers or masters of society to one

control over them okay but in large part

the anarchist community still lacks the

understanding of self they’re not doing

the deep internal spiritual shadow work

that must be done to remove the

erroneous axiomatic beliefs and get to

the the core truth that we must get to

to understand the causal factors the why

of why we are in this condition and that

is because anarchy generally leaves an

understanding of consciousness and

spirituality at the door and that’s what

I would like to see change in this

entire community that’s why I’m here

speaking today Thank You V the New Age

community it’s the exact opposite

dynamic okay in the sense that they know

about consciousness themself to a much

greater extent but they don’t know that

the enemy is government I go to New Age

expose and I ask people are you and you

are you a Democrat or a Republican and

they’ll give me their political

preference not of almost

government is slavery you know they

believe in the donkey cult or the

elephant call unfortunately they’re

still members of those cults okay so

they don’t understand that true

spirituality must be based in anarchy

because anarchy and rulership are always

based upon violence I’m sorry authority

and rulership are always based upon

violence and are always there for they

are always amoral the spiritual

community should get that more than

anybody but they don’t they have a

religious bloc in their mind that

somehow government is morally legitimate

but they don’t see that authority and

and rulership and government is based

entirely on violence and coercion so

that’s where they’re falling short and

they have a religious belief most

participants of the New Age religion

have not rejected the paradigm of

politics and still believe voting is a

possible way of improving the human

condition most New Agers are complete

completely accept government rulership

yet they consider themselves to be

somehow quote-unquote spiritual and

nothing could be further from the truth

see they have to understand true

spirituality as well that’s dreaming

these are examples of dreaming cognitive

dissonance putting two contradictory

notions in your mind and believing them

both simultaneously the next step of a

cult initiation is to learn how to think

and our educational institutions are not

teaching us this they are indoctrinating

us into what to think to learn how to

think in the occult ancient schools they

use the – truth discovery methodologies

of the Trivium and the quadrivium and

most anarchists have never even heard of

these the Trivium and quadrivium are the

methodologies of truth discovery which

enable the individual to learn how to

think these are true critical thinking

methodologies these tools help

individuals to remove their erroneous

belief systems their religions their

magical thinking and come to accurate

conclusions about what is true and what

is not true including the truth about

the natural laws that govern human

behavior both are not at all

surprisingly completely absent they have

been completely removed from the modern

educational system because our masters

don’t want us to have access to the same

tools of true learning that they have

access to that would level the playing

field of power the Trivium from the latin Trez tria

and the latin via through Trez tria

means three and via means path road or

way it was grammar logic and rhetoric or

in the ancient mystery school traditions

they taught it as knowledge

understanding and wisdom which is the

way I like to look at it it was the

three-fold path to truth the threefold

methodology of truth discovery and we’ll

talk about what it actually is the

quadrivium was the quantification

aspects that went hand-in-hand with the

Trivium as an adjunct to it it was

arithmetic or pure quantification of

numbers geometry which quantifies space

music which quantifies time and

astronomy which quantifies both time and

space the movement of the macrocosmic bodies of our world

this was the four-fold quantification

toolset that acted as a companion to the

Trivium process this next slide I’m

going to show you is probably the most

important single slide you will ever see

in any presentation and you know I’m not

saying that to have humorous about the

importance of my information but I’m

telling you this is the most occult

acknowledge and nobody ever really gets

how our reality is manifested when you

see this hopefully it will put some of

the puzzle pieces together and you’ll

understand why they have to attack

things from the realm of available

information that is the place that our

entire worldview is based upon this is

the first step of the Trivium you could

put you could look at it in the

classical esoteric or modern sense it

was grammar all with the building blocks

of knowledge of available information

that you need to know to come to an

accurate understanding of what it means

and then to act rightly upon it so it

was grammar knowledge we’re in the

modern way if you want to look at it as

a computer model this is input you have

to program the computer with all the

necessary information in order for it to

process it and then output it okay

the second step of the Trivium as we move

word was logic in the ancient in the

esoteric Trivium they called it

understanding okay in the modern it’s

called the processing stage once you

have the information that you need then

you you are processing it and you are

removing logical inconsistencies like a

computer processor would process it

great amounts of information this is

what forms an understanding or helps us

to understand what the knowledge we have

taken in means and that’s what we base

all of our decision-making for what we

are going to do in life upon okay then

the next step as we move forward is we

actually put our behavior out into the

world based upon the knowledge that we

have taken in or our the ignorance that

we have remained in and then based upon

whether we’ve come to an accurate

understanding of it or whether we remain

confused as to what it means but that

behavior is what is ultimately

determining the collective quality of

the human condition and then what

happens is we get a result when we act

when we all act collectively together in

society we get a manifestation we get a

result in our lives this is the

manifested reality that we all share

together here on earth so where do the

dark o cultists the sorcerers of our

world the mine manipulators the social

engineers where must they control this

process from they have to control it

from the base level from the level of

available information and that is why

they must hide the true knowledge of how

freedom works and or dissuade you from

looking into it by calling it it’s evil

or you don’t need to know about it

that’s some quaint religious

okay no the occult is neither of those

things the occult is knowledge about how

nature works and how the human psyche

actually works and you know what our

masters know it perfectly and we don’t

know it at all and that’s why they’re

kicking our ass

that’s the exact reason they’re kicking our ass

anarchists and scientism another

religious belief system most anarchist

fall into an exact science ISM is an

exaggerated trust environed scientific

institutions to the extent that the

individual is extending that trust

believe that the scientific institutions

are the only source of verifiable truth

that there are the arbiters of truth

many anarchists still believe in such an

institutionalized worldview of science

to a great extent they also accept

without question the completely outdated

and currently disproven paradigm of

Newtonian materialism many within the

anarchist movement cannot grasp that

true science is a methodology of truth

discovery and not a belief system as

dictated by modern worldly institutions

of science ignoring whole datasets and

fudging data to fit their own deeply

entrenched worldview are the

foundational hallmarks of government

grant money funded scientific

materialism that’s where we’re getting

our so-called science from the emerging

modern sciences of epigenetics and

holistic biology are just now beginning

to turn the tide in such a world view by

rightly incorporating consciousness and

metaphysical understanding into their

research methodologies so if you’re not

familiar with those emerging Sciences I

suggest you become familiar with them

it’s called epigenetics holistic biology

or new biology anarchists and atheism by

becoming atheistic most anarchists are

buying into what I call polarization or

buying control dialectics it is a left

brain dominant dialectic the prevailing

worldview is that matter is primary and

supreme God or spirit is non existent

the physical world is all there is only

physical laws exist but no natural laws

that govern behavioral consequences

exist consciousness is either purely

mechanical and existing only as

electromagnetic impulses in the brain or

it is meaningless altogether the

institutions of science are the sole

arbiters of truth this is the scientific

or atheistic worldview that is based

entirely in left brain and balance

converse to that why so many anarchists

fall into that left brain worldviews

because the opposite is equally a crock

okay the the religionist worldview right

brain dominant worldview it is that

spirit is primary God is all-powerful

the physical world is evil or should be

aesthetically shun God demands strict

human obedience to his arbitrary and

often conflicting set of rules goals in

the physical world should not be focused

upon but rather we should focus on the

promised afterlife with God this is

equally as imbalanced of a worldview but

toward the right brain modality of

thought and this is why a lot of

atheists a lot of anarchists gravitate

toward the opposite side you have to

understand it’s a polarization dialectic

it’s to put people away from the truth

which lies in a holistic balance between

left and right brain so if you think

you’re going to get Anarchy from either

one of these two completely imbalanced

worldviews I’m here today to tell you

that’s also not possible cannot happen

because these are two worldviews that

are set up as a deliberate dialectic to

hold people back from the truth about

what anarchy really is and what will

actually take us there

anarchists who used the slogan no God’s

no masters no God’s no masters instead

of no masters no slaves okay they are

actually immersed in the polarization

dialectic of atheism or scientism versus

religion ISM such dialectical

programming is deliberately socially

engineered by the ruling class to

prevent an understanding of true

morality and natural law and to

therefore prevent the emergence of true

freedom natural law is not a religion or

a belief system it is a science and we

can come to the understanding of it

through scientific investigation and

methodology I am about the most

skeptical person you could possibly

imagine I come from a totally scientific

background I studied engineering at an

Ivy League university in my youth okay

so I’m not religious nor my atheistic I

take the balanced approach of trying to

determine how the laws of nature actually do work

science in the way that we look at it

today isn’t going to tell us that

neither is religion they’re both

consciousness prisons that we have to

move beyond natural law is a science of

morality that can be directly observed

in the 3d world the evidence of the

existence of natural law is the

resultant state which humanity receives

as a direct consequence of its aggregate

behavior or in other words the human

condition itself the manifested reality

will determine what the causal factors

are and the causal factors will bring us

to manifested reality we only have to

look at the causal relationship by

observing the realm of causality not

addressing the symptoms getting down to

the actual disease that is the

underlying causal factor of human

slavery so our human beings free are we

free to exercise our rights unrestrained

or are we living in a perpetual state of

duress the threat of violence being

conducted upon us if we don’t comply

with the commands of the so-called

ruling class the natural law of freedom

has a quantifiable effect aggregate

freedom is directly proportional

directly proportional to aggregate

morality consequences will be manifested

into the human condition as a direct

result of the moral quality of aggregate

human behavior we collectively reap the

result of the behavior which we

collectively so eternally immutable

principles of governing dynamics in

nature understand it and if you

understand it you will understand how we

will build true freedom together for

though the left rein among us

there’s the scientific equation the sum

of freedom is directly proportional to

the sum of morality and it can never be

any other way that is a natural law of

the universe and it’s what most quote

unquote anarchists have zero

understanding of as yet live in the

present moment to live truly in the

present moment we have to get away from

this diverse of infighting and all these

factions of Anarchy there’s no such thing there is only

the understanding that anarchy is true

freedom based upon natural law divisive

infighting between the so called

anarchist factions must end humanity is

in the midst of a war for our very

freedom fighting among ourselves is the

equivalent of combatants on the same

side of a brutal war suddenly turning

their weapons on each other

we’re slaves on the same plantation

fighting each other instead of fighting

their so-called masters there is only

one true divide that separates humanity

into two distinct types of individuals

that there’s unfortunately a huge chasm

in between the criterion for this divide

is whether or not an individual believes

in authority and therefore believes that

there is somehow moral quote/unquote

legitimacy quote/unquote to human

slavery and we know that there can never

be to live in the present moment means

that we must develop the ability to

release our attachment to our own ego

and this is the problem in the anarchist

community being trapped in ego can make

one unteachable or unable to learn new

and hidden truths we think we have it

all figured out already but we don’t

understand there’s much more to learn

ego attachment as a mindset that

constitutes a religion some anarchists

refuse to acknowledge that there is a

higher power or law of governing

dynamics which exists in creation and

determines the outcome of manifested

reality based upon freewill based

behavior a prerequisite to being allowed

to be taught in the ancient mystery

traditions was an acknowledgment of a

higher power than man a force which also

put into place the unseen spiritual laws

that govern the consequences of behavior

to begin the process of shedding ego

attachment one must develop the ability

to say one of the hardest things in the

world that there is for the individual

to say I was wrong finally

to activate the physical body because

most certainly ladies and gentlemen we

will be needing the physical body in

this war for our freedom

so never neglected mind and body are

inseparably connected mental acuity is

directly foster through physical

activity and care for the physical self

the activation of the physical body is a

vitally important part of self-knowledge

that should never be neglected real

world changes have always required

physical work

modern anarchists will need to be

prepared to put away the keyboard and

put boots on the ground whenever and

wherever they may be needed physical

health is critically important should

one be required to engage the self

defense principle and that principle

should never be taken off the table in

the fight for our freedom no rulers does

not mean no rules

too many anarchists believe that

unfortunately many anarchists erroneous

belief erroneously believed that Anarchy

means no rules anarchist slogans that

read no rules are an ignorant

misdirection there are always rules in

the form of eternal moral and spiritual

laws of creation called natural law the

foundation of true out anarchy is firmly

rooted in these laws of morality in

which rights are inherent to creation

itself it is natural law itself which

endow us with the right not to be

addressed the pond violated Reve

externally through coercive means or

enslaved there is a great sigh off being

perpetrated by the mainstream media

Hollywood politicians and social

engineers to Co off the term anarchy and

spread the false belief that anarchy is

synonymous with chaos and violence and

no rules or lawlessness rules of

morality are a fundamental aspect of any

society that is based in true anarchy it

can never possibly be any other way

activate true care as my sixth and final

I’m adding one of the steps to the

initial the initiation process this is

the generative principle care for truth

and care for the rights and freedoms of

all that is part based intelligence we

must come from the understanding that as

one suffers all suffer and so we must

eliminate suffering for human beings and

all other beings as well

great work to end the slavery of

humanity we’ll take an enormous shift in

consciousness we must be willing to

develop true care heart based

intelligence that is necessary to learn

the spiritual principles of natural law

and apply them in our lives and in our

communities we must first learn this

occult acknowledge very well ourselves

and then we must teach it to others so

that together we can meet the

requirements to manifest what we all say

we want for the future of humanity peace

love and anarchy ladies and gentlemen

thank you for your time and attention

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