Congratulations!!! If you’re on this page, you’ve taken the first step to quitting the nicotine habit once an for all!
“In reality there is nothing to give up because smoking provides you with no genuine pleasure or crutch and so you are not making any sacrifice at all and so there is no reason to feel deprived.”
There’s only 3 things you need to slay the dragon and stop smoking… D.I.D.
- DESIRE – Mindset – YOU MUST WANT to stop smoking.
- INTENTION – SET a GOAL of ONLY 30 DAYS (10 minutes at a time when cravings happen.)
- DRIVE – Rip the band-aid off and >> JUST DO IT! << (You will be very happy you D.I.D.)
To help you with all of the above, I highly recommend reading the following publications…
As an ex-truck driver, I used to smoke up to two packs a day and I was highly addicted so…
If YOU ARE ADDICTED to smoking cigarettes… Take the 30 day Stop Smoking Challenge – Gut it out for ONLY 30 days… YOU CAN STOP smoking and the cravings will be almost completely gone after ONLY 30 days which makes it much easier to finally quit once and for all! Just focus on 10 mins at a time when you get cravings and tell yourself, if I can go ONLY 10 mins without smoking, I can go 20 mins and so on. Make your focus on reaching 30 days and after 30 days of going cold turkey, no gum, no patch, no smoking, reward yourself with the equivalent for what you would have normally spent on cigarettes and go out for nice meal or buy something new to celebrate your ULTIMATE VICTORY over smoking.
Smoking cigarettes is a lie to steal your money. Smoking isn’t cool, it isn’t hip, it isn’t healthy. It’s an illusion in your mind and SMOKING can be DEADLY!!! The nicotine controls your mind like a robot and if you use mind over matter and shear willpower to overcome physical problems associated with your cravings, you can and will succeed.
Take the 30 day Quit Smoking Challenge – How to Stop Smoking – Gut it out for ONLY 30 DAYS and you won’t crave smoking. Here’s how…
If you can go without a cigarette for 10 minutes, you can go without a cigarette for 1 hour. I you can go without a smoke for an hour, you can go without for 2 hours. If you can go without for 2 hours, you can go without for 1 day. If you can go without for 1 day, you can go without for 2 days. If you can go without for 2 days, you can go without for a week. If you can go without smoking for a week, you can go without for 2 weeks. If you can go without for 2 weeks, you can go without for a month. After just 30 short days, you would have removed the nicotine craving from your mind and body.
Take the 30 day Stop Smoking Challenge – Gut it out for ONLY 30 days and you can stop smoking. After ONLY 30 days, the cravings will be almost completely gone which makes it easy to finally quit. Just focus on 10 mins at a time when you get cravings and you can do it!
TO YOUR SUCCESS! 🙂 using the Easy Way!