Mark gave this short presentation at the Why Tesla Matters Memorial Conference, hosted by the Tesla Science Foundation on January 6, 2013. Mark spoke about the main reasons why humanity has not manifested Free Energy technology in any way that is open and beneficial to our species.
Recorded and edited by Tim Smith of Signs Of The Time Media.
Video Transcript
okay everyone I’m mark passio of what on
earth is happening dot com welcome and
thank you all for being here today
thanks for the Tesla Science Foundation
for inviting me to speak at this great
conference my presentation is going to
be fast moving and hard-hitting so strap
yourself in and let’s get started
it’s called scarcity to abundance what
will it take to make Tesla’s dream a reality
and this presentation may be a little
bit hard for some people to hear today
not everybody may be ready for it and
that’s okay I’m going to say the things
I’m going to say anyway and perhaps they
will be seeds that will perhaps sprout
and grow at a future time this is the
goal that we’re all here for we say that
we want free energy and I emphasize the
word say because there’s oftentimes a
lot of opposition between our thoughts
and our actions what we will do to make
that reality actually come about and
manifest itself so this is what we want
we want to do away with the current
unsustainable control the energy
paradigm okay I call it the scarcity
paradigm it’s controlled energy it’s
ecologically polluting and unsustainable
it’s based in the fear of scarcity it
perpetuates dependency it is maintained
by violence exploitation and imperialism
it promotes the separation worldview
that nature is ours to conquer it
stagnates human evolutionary progression
it’s completely immoral because it is in
opposition to spiritual law and it will
ultimately lead to total slavery for
humanity if we do not dissuade from
going down this course conversely we can
give birth to the free energy paradigm
or the paradigm of abundance which is green and
it creates empowerment through abundance
it promotes independence it is based in
genuine power because when there is no
scarcity that obviates the need for
aggression to control resources it
promotes the integral world view that we
are a part of the balance of nature we
are a part of nature we do not own it to
exploit it promotes human evolutionary
progression it is moral which means that
it is in harmony with spiritual law with
the laws of morality and it ultimately
will lead to true freedom for Humanity
let’s see part of the problem is that a
lot of people want to put the cart
before the horse so to speak you can
look at Tesla as the cart and the true
understanding of freedom as the horse
that has to lead the way to bring that
new and sustainable energy paradigm into
manifestation so what is the problem why
don’t we have free energy what is
holding us back from it well this is the
part that may be difficult for a lot of
people to hear you know why don’t we
have all of the wonderful innovations
that Tesla envisioned why aren’t we
operating on a wireless world you know
not on fossil fuels and the dependency
that goes along with it
you know why hasn’t Tesla’s vision for
the future already come about it’s not
because we don’t have the technology to
do it or the know-how okay there’s
another deeper much more deeply seeded
psychological reason that we have not
given birth to this new energy paradigm
yet and Tesla can give us a hint as to
you know what we really need to
understand he said that peace can only
come as a natural consequence of
universal enlightenment now people have
a different idea of what enlightenment
means and I’m gonna hope to shed some light
on that I’d like to say that free energy
can only come as a natural consequence
of the universal spiritual enlightenment
and again that’s the state that we have
to create internally first before we’re
ever going to manifest the external
reality that when say we want to see
that that is our claim things need to
change in order for that to happen but
what in fact needs to change deeply-held
belief systems need to change there
needs to be a paradigm shift a way of
seeing the world needs to go away and a
new way of seeing the world needs to be
born into existence within each one of
us that is a paradigm shift or an
ascension in human consciousness coming
out of darkness and rising into the
light a paradigm shift has requirements
it does not magically just take place
there is will and effort that is
involved okay so what are these
requirements what in fact must change
here’s where the the difficulty is going
to be coming in for some people here in
the audience today there are two world
religions universal religions I call
them that are ultimately holding
humanity back from the manifestation of
free energy for free energy to emerge
these religions must be completely
abandoned completely abandoned and
people may be very shocked when they
hear what these religions in fact are
because it is not what you think it’s
not what you are thinking of as religion
and in that sense we need to define what
I mean by the word religion religion is
a system of control that is based in an
unchallenged dogmatic belief system
religion as a word the etymology of the
word comes from the Latin language the word religion
the verb religare in Latin means to tie back to
hold back to thwart from forward
progress or to bind by tying okay so
what is in fact being held back is the
progress of our understanding of the way
the laws of the universe actually worked
we were being held back from an
understanding of truth and the the
progress is is all in the mind that is
being held back we are being mentally
and psychologically held back this is
the first religion the universal world
religion known as money money is a
belief based system of control that is
built upon the fear of scarcity which is
purposely designed to limit access to
energy that is what money is designed
for it is designed to limit access to
energy so that we operate on a scarcity
mindset and worldview instead of one
that is based in abundance that is the
first Universal world religion that
almost every being on this planet
believes in unquestioningly the second
world religion the universal world
religion that is almost as universally
believed in as money is the erroneous
concept known as Authority Authority is
an illusion of a diseased human psyche
that is based entirely in violence and
is built upon the erroneous and dogmatic
belief that some people are masters who
have the moral right to issue commands
while other people are slaves who have a
moral obligation to obey these masters
that is the religion known as Authority
and it is a false religion the world
religions money and authority this is
the structure that it represents
it’s a hierarchical compartmentalize
structure in which we are ruled by the
god known as money below that
people who say we rule you the
authoritarians below that the people who
say we fool you these are the people who
propagate standard traditional world
religions and New Age movement and below
that the people who shoot at us if we
disagree with the authoritarian
religions and below that the people who
profit off of it and think that it’s all
okay for this immoral violence to
continue unabated and below them all the
people who uphold the system through
their actual energy and work this is the
system of the world ladies and gentlemen
whether you recognize that or not there
it is and that is what is taking place
this authoritarianism that is inherent
to the humanity’s current worldview and
social structure is completely
antithetical that means diametrically
opposed to the rights and freedoms of
the individual those who have become
bound to an authoritarian worldview
gradually lose their ability to display
free thinking engage in civic discourse
and even be able to envisage
the notion of true freedom the
imagination is stifled and they cannot
even envision a way out of their current
trap through fear scarcity and our own
acquiescence these two Universal false
religions keep us rooted into the base
brain they keep us in the reptile brain
below the lower brain which is the brain
stem and cerebellum this is all fight or
flight mechanisms okay
pure survival the reptile brain we are
not operating from a place of emotions
or empathy let alone a place of higher
order thinking and reason which is
brought about by the balance of the
human brain or the neocortex
that’s what scarcity ultimately does it
keeps us in the reptilian complex of the
mind in such a fear-based and
fight-or-flight state of consciousness
humanity has become collective
incapable of truly creative and
liberating thinking which is also known
as human imagination we are operating in
a cage for the mind collectively and we
need to get out of it
adherence to the religions of money and
authority blocked the implementation of
Tesla’s work and here are three of
Tesla’s main funders Nathan Rothschild
of the Rothschild dynasty JP Morgan of
course who funded the Wardenclyffe
project along with John Jacob Astor one
of Tesla’s other main financier who as
we all know pulled their funding when
Tesla wanted to do something that was
truly liberating for Humanity that these
Psychopaths could not control but
you-know-who who followed those orders
those orders came down to military men
followers of orders who decided on those
orders to destroy the Wardenclyffe tower
so that could not be studied and
understood further and preserved for
posterity and hopefully be activated at
some future point so that we could
really move into a sustainable future as
far as energy was concerned order
followers did that adherence to the
religion authority to this day adherents
of the religions of money and
authorities still block the
implementation of Tesla’s work and they
don’t care who they have to exploit or
even if they have to destroy the very
living dynamic energy system upon which
we all depend for life called the earth
itself you know profit above people
profit above the earth to this day these
adherents are polluting the very system
upon which we all depend for life
continuously and we’re letting them do
it you know how quickly we forget about
things like the Gulf oil spill as soon
as the media stops talking about it we
have such a short attention span see
it’s all about profit all about
worshipping at the altar of Mammon and
that’s where they want us they want us
in their mindset they want to give us a
watered-down version of the way that the
psychopaths at the top level think you
know if you’re saying is what I’m
basically saying this is a conspiracy
absolutely I’m saying that but I’m not
here to talk about the people who are
ultimately in charge of that worldwide
conspiracy you know that’s a whole other
lecture entirely I’m talking about the
systems of belief in the bulk of
humanity that prop it up and make it
able to continue to go on unchallenged
that’s true for the majority of the
people of this world as painful as it is
you know and and if that’s what our God
is expect to remain in a cage for a long
long time is if you put that God over
the universal God of all creation then
my personal opinion is that we deserve
what we get and we don’t deserve
anything better than what we have right
now as long as that remains our highest
value system imperialism this is what
the worshipers of the religion of
authority those who worship at the altar
of authority and our order followers you
know if you don’t believe that this
slide is true and this is what we’re
really doing and that we’re attacking
other nations to take resources because
we think we should have it at their
expense you know I think you’re a very
naive person if you don’t think that’s
the main motivating factor personally
worshiping at the altars of money and
authority most so-called modern science
is being used to perpetually control
greed and hegemony rather than what
Tesla wisely told us that science should
be used for the betterment of humanity
you know it’s about making more
effective weapons of destruction and
controlling people through media and
food and surveillance systems etc that’s
the cutting edge of science today not
the betterment of humanity and using it for liberating
purposes unfortunately you know I think
if Tesla was here and I I do believe
that Tesla is here in spirit absolutely
I think he would be telling us one thing
and he would say it in two words he
would say get out and he would mean get
out of the mind-control get out of the
head cage get out of the systems of
illusory belief that do not serve who we are
that’s what Tesla’s message would be if
he were here today he would tell us that
until we come together in a universal
spirit of enlightenment and oneness and
get out of the separation worldview and
get out of these completely illusory
religions that have owned our minds for
thousands of years we’re never going to
have his implementation of free energy
or any other implementation of free
energy for that matter and if we ever
want to see this headline come true what
we altered that we need to do is turn
within look within ask ourselves do our
systems of belief serve who we are and
what we say we want or are we an
internal opposition to what we say we
want through what’s going on in here and
in here and with that being said I think
Tesla would have told every one of us
that it is all up to the individual the
answer lies in the reflection that you
see in that device that’s where the answer lies
ultimately what we each need to do is
look within ourselves develop a newfound
sense of self-respect and free our minds
when we do that the stars are the limit
ladies and gentlemen thank you very much
for your kind of sense
thank you
one more thing what they weren’t asked
mark what hell every year conference
three or mine
can you give us a few sure yeah nick is
talking about the conference that I
helped to co-host I’m one of the
co-hosts of the free your mind
conference we held it back in 2011 in
Philadelphia we’re going to be having
another huge conference in Philadelphia
it’s called free your mind – it’s coming
up April 25th 26th and 27th at the Arch
Street meeting house in the historic
district of Philadelphia we’re going to
be bringing 24 speakers in from all over
the country I have tons of fliers out in
that in the foyer pick one up on your
way out see me see barb or Tim we have
flyers for you and we hope to see you at
the freer line conference in the
meantime check out my website what on
earth is happening dot-com and the
conference’s website is free your mind
conference calm thank you